Welcome to LuvFree! No credit card required to contact singles here. Luvfree is a completely 100% free online dating site. We strive to keep our database full of real people and free of fake profiles with photos of non-existent hotties. Luvfree is a real dating website for real people that uses absolutely none of the tricks used by other sites in the online dating industry. If this sounds like what you're looking for, then sign up for a Luvfree account and join our community today!
I decided to fill my boredom, I wrote several ads, in our local singles looking board Well well-written, 10 total, and then I made two crazy posts.... I received not one reply from all my well written seeking normal friendship..... NOT ONE reply! But this morning I had 8 different replies ... Read the whole post
A clear sign that a profile is a scam... Woman, females have a tendency to have other females as friends, it's easier to talk to those you have a connection with. On this site I have not seen one female profile that has another female in their friends list! This is a abnormality, I have ... Read the whole post
Sounds like one is a bad judge of character. Also, get fooled easily. By the way, there is really no such thing as "fake love" (just that one don't know what love is, if one did one can never get fooled).