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Featured blog posts

  • Conscious Living/Loving True Friendship.

    Most people lack logic, besides the fact they don't have common sense.

    by INTP_CA,Mar/02/2025

    Sounds like one is a bad judge of character. Also, get fooled easily. By the way, there is really no such thing as "fake love" (just that one don't know what love is, if one did one can never get fooled).

  • Simple is Beauty

    WHAT"S UP??

    by Geelyn,Feb/22/2025

    Wondering what's up with you now?? Hope you are fine and healthy. I just wanna hear from YOU 😘

  • BEST in LIFE is for FREE

    oh folks worldwide

    by Joei,Feb/16/2025

    Much ridiculousness GOING ON HERE : on this tiny website of modern times . Naked we all are born Naked we all go one day And in between we all put on a lot of costumes . LONGING for some BETTER UNDERSTANDING EACH OTHER. ALRIGHT, FRIENDS WORLDWIDE. LIFE IS, AND STAYS, A BUZZING ... Read the whole post