Dating articles

How to make your dating profile stand out

While you're looking for a new date on our free dating site, other users and visitors are also doing the same. It's likely that they could be searching for you. The more users who see your profile, the more chances there are that new friends will write to you first. There are four ways to find your profile on a dating site:

1. Profiles searched are sorted by date and time, using the last log-in on the site. In the beginning, the first profiles shown are those who on-line. The users who logged on to the web site next are then shown, followed by those who logged in some time ago. The more you log on to our dating service site, the higher your profile will end up in the results list and you'll attract the most visitors.

2. If you're interested in interracial dating, please don't forget to specify your ethnicity on your profile page.

3. Being in the chat room, you can easily meet possible partners by clicking the "View Profile" button from the control menu of the chat lobby. Stay as long as you can in the chat room, so that the other chat users will be able to view your profile.

4. If you have a blog on our dating site, it can be seen not only in your profile but also on the "Blogs" page with links back to your profile. This is a page which is often visited. Make sure that your blog is interesting. You can discuss the ways you like to communicate on dating sites, you're able to discuss topics such as new songs, the latest films or you could talk about your old flames. Why not chat about your dreams? Feel free to discuss how you imagine your dream wedding day or a special Valentine's Day you celebrated. Maybe you want to share a poem you've written or a funny story…. you can also ask questions on your blog and see who's interested enough to answer them. Anyone who's a user of the free dating site is able to comment on your posts.

5. As soon as you log onto the free dating site, your profile will appear in the "Online users" list. This is very convenient, since you can start conversations right away, using our onsite email system and the longer you stay online, the more chances you have to meet others.

However, all these actions will be useless if your profile isn't good. You may get no messages at all if you don't have a photo. It's a fact that most users ignore any profile that doesn't have a picture. Usually, a good photo makes other people want to interact with you! Users are then interested in reading your profile and looking at your other photos. Don't forget, the more attractive your photo is, the more kisses/messages you'll receive. Try to post some good photos and interesting info about yourself, together with the kind of people you most want to meet. Having done that, you'll notice how the chance of meeting someone will increase. Enjoy yourself and let new friends find you on the dating site!

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