7Mikavelli57 blog posts

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    Are men and women in 2023 ready to be in a committed relationship? (Part 2)

    by 7Mikavelli57,Apr/15/2023

    Great feedback from both of you and I concur! The fact that most people are not functioning on a high level of consciousness brings me to this point that you made (Thrasymachus) in your feedback/response to my post. First, you are right about finding a partner that can meet you as well as function at that same maybe even on a higher level or close to that level of consciousness. Which ... Read the whole post

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    Are men and women in 2023 ready to be in a committed relationship?

    by 7Mikavelli57,Apr/11/2023

    Hello and peace to all! My name is Mikavelli, and I am a psychologist. I have been studying human behavior for a few years now, and I have learned that people will say anything to make you believe in them. Men and women will say that they are ready to settle down and start a family, but are they serious? Too many times, people get into relationships for the wrong reasons and back out of them, ... Read the whole post

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