aroc blog post


To All of You

by aroc,Mar/01/2014

In our entire lifetime, we meet many and different kinds of people. Some people say that out of the thousands that you've met, there is but only 1 person who is your soul mate. Do you agree?

I've loved and been hurt by the man I've trusted so much. I thought that my heart will never trust another man again. Not that no man can be trusted, but, I refuse to trust another man again.

Why complicate things when I can have many friends all over the world, right? I can be happy by chatting with them, sharing ideas, experiences and of course - photographs.

To all of you who have contributed to what I became, to those who made me cry and laugh, I thank you all for being a part of my life. For without you, my life wouldn't be complete and would have been boring.

Now, would you like to start making memories with me? I'll be waiting for all of you, my Luv Free friends. Take care. :P

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