Authentic blog post


When keeping it real goes right

by Authentic,Jun/12/2022

I would probably have a lot more people in my circle if I pretended to be something I am not, If I catered more to everyone's feelings, likes and dislikes.
But that's not me.
And I love it that way (minus the occasional feeling of loneliness every now and then)
its strangely peaceful, and also, I find comfort in knowing that the wrong person is not occupying the seat reserved for whom it was meant.
That being said, to all my loners, keep your head held high.
being alone is nothing to be ashamed of but settling for less than what you deserve is a dreadful burden.
One day, you're going to wake up next to perfection and Thank God lol

Love you all

  • By ??? ,Jun/29/2022

    thanks for the prophetic insight.

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