Bart1957 blog post


Is there anyone out there who...?

by Bart1957,Jun/26/2019

Is there anyone out there who believes that the physically flawed can be loved?

In the interest of total honesty, there is one important thing I should reveal about myself, even though I now there are some who after reading it, won't read any further, but it has been a major factor in making me who I am today and it simply this. I am legally blind. That doesn't mean that I see nothing at all (though I was totally blind until I was about 6 months old due to a medical condition at birth.)

I can do most everything most any totally sighted person can do, sadly my eyesight has deteriorated somewhat
in the past few years so that I can no longer legally drive. Thats why I only ride me mini chopper on country backroads. It's just that even with the best glasses, I'm still about two lines below being able to pass the eye test for a drivers license. And because it greatly limits my employability, I am on disability.

But things being such, I am financially responsible with what I do have. And as such have adjusted my life accordingly. I'm basically happy and easy going in general. The only thing lacking in my life is someone to share it with. Guess I just haven't found that one truly understanding lady yet. But I assure you that the special lady that can accept me as I am and come to truly love me will receive every bit of my love, gratitude and true appreciation for as long as I live.

  • Me Myself And I
    By Richard1626 ,Jul/09/2019

    It's not easy for us disabled people to get a date that's for sure it would help a lot if this website had a disabled tag i find it a lot easier to date disabled people as there are not as judgemental

  • Mellow musician seeks muse
    By Bart1957 ,Jul/09/2019

    Saddest of all is that even the paid sites tend to relegate the disabled to the bottom of the barrel.

  • Me Myself And I
    By Richard1626 ,Jul/09/2019

    True that's why i stick to free websites no point in praying for something that does not give me what i am looking for in someone

  • Mellow musician seeks muse
    By Bart1957 ,Aug/19/2019

    So, what exactly is a successful and fulfilling relationship? It is the bonding between two individuals who strive daily to relate to one another in love, compassion and understanding. to ne there for one another through thick and thin and to relate to each other in such a manner so as not to sink the ship. Lastly, it is not a 50/50 situation it is 110/110. When one partner is down and having to struggle, the other must always be ready and willing to give 119% of themselves to help their partner through whatever has befallen them.

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