Bart1957 blog post


More than 50/50

by Bart1957,Aug/22/2019

So, what exactly is a successful and fulfilling relationship? It is the bonding between two individuals who strive daily to relate to one another in love, compassion and understanding. to be there for one another through thick and thin and to relate to each other in such a manner so as not to sink the ship. Lastly, it is not a 50/50 situation it is 110/110. When one partner is down and having to struggle, the other must always be ready and willing to give 110% of themselves to help their partner through whatever has befallen them.

  • go with the flow its goes better
    By crea8j ,Aug/24/2019

    But that is what makes that relationship worth the effort..

  • Mellow musician seeks muse
    By Bart1957 ,Aug/25/2019

    Any relationship can become worthwhile as long as both partners are willing to put forth the EFFORT to make it so.

  • Mellow musician seeks muse
    By Bart1957 ,Aug/25/2019

    And, of course, you first have to have the two who are desiring to relate and see what they might build from their act of relating.

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