BobbPoetMarly blog post


Love and Kindness

by BobbPoetMarly,May/22/2021

Love and Kindness
21 June 2020 9:33 AM

Love and Kindness are a wonderous couple
When one is increase the other is doubled

Love is a beautiful lady indeed
Caring and giving to all in need

Long golden tresses glowing with hope
A smile filled with cheer that never pouts nor mopes

Her pure silken complexion white as the morning snow
Her stature and steps so sure where she goes

Faithfull to Kindness her companion so dear
In his arms there is nothing for her to fear

Kindness is a gentleman true
Man kind is his business, his care takers due

Eyes that see what can be and not what is
His heart is all wise and knows just what to give

His shoulders are strong and longsuffering as trees
His legs ever enduring and rushing to need

His arms are gental with strength for all
His stature is humble he is never to tall

Together they wander this world hand in hand
Dispersing the hatred and fears of man
Copyright © Bobb Marly | Year Posted 2020

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