BobbPoetMarly blog post


Our vicarious life

by BobbPoetMarly,Aug/28/2021

8 Nov 2020 9:37 Am

Television to get my vision internet to see revision
Radio to set the pace and off to work and run the race

Eat to fast and shave my face didn't even get a taste
Coffee black caffien high kiss the wife a quick good bye didn't even see her face

Work all day don't think of life just chasing fuel to keep the lights on
Joke with Joe and what do you know lunch is gone can you work long

Back and forth we travel short do not play but watch the sport
See the american family on tv then off to sleep and dreams to sort

Up again at the crack of dawn at it again the same old song
Blinked today and my kids were grown years were short they should have been long

Slow down they say enjoy the day but you can't there's life to pay
So through others lives and imaginations mind we stay

This is the modern world all full of hype
This is our vicarious life
Copyright © Bobb Marly | Year Posted 2020

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