ButchinNortheastTX blog post


Good Evening. Just my ramblings today.

by ButchinNortheastTX,Feb/22/2020

Good Evening. I'm about to upload some new photos. Am going to buy some land in the city of Longview, Texas. Talked to some city officials about utilities, permits, square footage, etc. Talked to my insurance company and talked to a place that sells storage sheds and cabins along with cabin shells. It's not in the best neighborhood but it's not in the worst neighborhood either. One of the employees here at The Gardens told me it is a decent neighborhood. She has other jobs and drives by it almost every day.

The photos I'm about to upload will show that I need to lose weight or buy a bigger shirt or both.

I use to be much bigger than I am and then when I started working for a gym (I was not a trainer, just in promotions) I decided after a few years that I need to get healthy and started losing weight. But then I gained some of it back.

I'm enjoying my job as a "waver" where I wear a Statue of Liberty costume and pretend I know how to dance.

After I was diagnosed with diabetes I decided to control it as much as possible through nutrition and research (Thank God for YouTube) and lost some weight and was able to control my blood sugar enough that the doctor took me off my Metformin medication. Of course, not checking or taking care of my feet got one of my toes amputated.

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