cozmicwof blog post



by cozmicwof,Feb/22/2025

USE WHAT WORKES. Many tips to help you.
1. goto search. Find as many as you can. And send a message like this.
2. Hi there. Fancy a nice chat. Copy the message and send it to everyone.
3. You can see when they was last one. Id send messages to anyone on over the last 2 weeks.
4. This website as more people in some countries than other.
5. Message say 40. And wait wait for ladies to message YOU.
6. NOW there is an ONLINE NOW option. Try that when you can when there profile looks good.

My Success rate. I searched and messaged 20
With in days it was she wanted to marry. But she got kicked of line for asking for cash.
Other ladies messaged me. I got picky.
Another lady wanted me. She stopped talking I couldn't send her £200
Another lady wants my email.

Obviously this thing works.

Anyone not getting this kind of thing. After such efforts consider this

1. I never had a great photo. I recall on othere website testing photos. WHo was getting th emsot clicks as well. I soon learned who was. Many phtos got no clicks as all. SO I began taking allot of photos and picking the best. Over time I learned to get phtots getting max clicks per day. And in my profiel you can see some.
2. DONT put your self down there's someone for everyone ok.
3. Don't think you don't look fantastic. You don't need to look great.
4. its often cloths and background and looking neat. Many doing great where not top lookers. But had top

If your not getting lucky. Give it time to tell. Its maybe like rolling a dice you get lucky or you dont.
Luck can happen any week though it seems.

Top performers will join many free dating sites. and be on many websites and will get completely saturated with messages from beautiful people.
I used to get this but I refused to subscribe to payed dating sites. I stuck with free ones.

So what's the next best tip.

Load up a few free dating sites. each time you come on.

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