Debbie1214 blog post


just another day

by Debbie1214,Jun/01/2018

Good morning to everyone!! I just love it when someone leaves a comment, so please do! How is everyone? I am enjoying life, a cup of coffee this morning, tv, and reading from here comments left by you men; please feel free to do so. Have a wonderful day guys!! would love to hear from you

  • Just me...
    By Gohan ,Jun/02/2018

    Well then, here's your comment! lol .. I'm afraid it won't be all that interesting, though. I'm enjoying myself as well, but fortunately, I won't ask for any of your coffee. More for you, right? :) I never got into coffee. Makes my stomach hurt.

  • Hello
    By Debbie1214 ,Jun/03/2018

    Hi Gohan. Thank you for leaving a comment. How are you today? Sorry that coffee makes your stomach hurt. It use to do the same to mine until I tried a trick of eating almonds. There was something about that that worked. I can now drink coffee without eating the almonds. Don't know if you would want to try it. Just saying, it worked for me. Have a great day!!

  • Just me...
    By Gohan ,Jun/03/2018

    I'm good today. :) You know, I'm kind of glad I didn't get into coffee as the prospects of being addicted to a drug (even a legal one) is a boat worth missing IMO. :) I had never heard of that almond trick, though. IIRC, a common link between coffee and nausea is as a withdrawal symptom (caffeine) but coffee can also exacerbate other health issues of which nausea may be a symptom of. Of course, that was a long time ago and I eat a lot healthier these days, so maybe the nausea wouldn't happen. I don't think I'll ever find out, though. :)

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