DogJericho blog post


Happy New Year---Any real people on this??

by DogJericho,Jan/02/2016

I don't come here often, but did make a friend living in Florida a while ago, so I know real people do exist on here.

Hoping to meet someone who is at least willing to travel, and close enough to me, to do so, and likewise I will travel to them. But the closer to Kent, Washington, the better.

I live In shared housing, but looking to get my own place in a couple months. Perhaps if we hit it off well soon enough, we could get a place together! I am looking for a serious commitment.

I don't have a lot financially, but am working on some things that could one day change that. I get by ok, but looking for someone who is willing to work themselves, for the whole of us, and not just have a man fully support them.

So if you'd like to chat, hit me up, and we can figure out the best way to communicate, via text, phone, or messaging service. Or simply the chat service on here.


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