are there any young fearless women out there?
by edrive,Sep/04/2018lately all I hear is why won't he stay with me? as if its all a mans fault your being alone? we all have needs, wants and desires but if we sit there and play the blame game and dont consider the possibility we neglected the other persons happiness for the sake of our own, which by the way is not equality but unfairness then their is really only one more thing we must consider how do we make things better? as a man I would do everything I could to bring a smile to your heart and face if you would do the same for me which is by very definition fair, just and equal. since 2001 I have been searching for a young woman who understood this simple proverb" the tall one wouldn't bend, the short one wouldn't grow, and in the end...the kiss was lost" idk tell me your thoughts on this.