Emperyal blog post


My Introverted Personality

by Emperyal,Dec/31/2016

I can describe myself as introvert person, not very social and talkative. For most of my life, I've struggled with people calling me quiet and telling me that I don't talk much. I didn't speak very often. I could only express myself around my family and a group of friends I knew really well. Personal development books did not help me very much on that issue.

  • Hello
    By tamanthajo ,Jan/10/2017

    Welcome to my world. I don't think it has to do with you, I find myself struggling to keep conversations going. Many of the conversations I hear from other groups of people aren't interesting for me, but envy usually creeps in while listening. Conversations carried on by myself usually are short and sweet. Being around individuals brings joy and excitement, but also frustration from this characteristic trait. I know that is why I have difficulty finding a companion. I am more of a listener than talker.

  • By ??? ,Jan/11/2017

    ***You have started coming out of your shell. You already wrote here, your personality to connect with the public so anyone reading what you said,may contact you for they too think they have the same struggles just as what you think you have.In reality, you just need to socialize and listen to others.Others ask you and you answer.Slowly as you do this,you will feel comfortable with them and the next time you see them,you can stop by,just say "Hi" or/discuss...That goes on & on,with or from your work,neighbors,new acquaintances etc.
    Consider yourself,not totally an introvert person.
    Soon, you will gradually change.Just takes time---***

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