No Photograph
by EssentialMix,Dec/20/2019I guess many wonder why I don' post a picture of myself, so let me explain. Many people here only look at the photograph to see if there is a physical attraction. When looking for a long term partner this has to be low on the list of requirements, far more important is the personality and personal traits. I was married for several years and I noticed that after time I took very little notice of my wifes looks. I was more interested in her. Yes she was very good looking but that became less and less important over time. So now i don't really care about looks. I'm sure this will hinder me in some way but I hope it means I will find a better person. Patience is a virtue.
I don't agree with that, pysical attraction has to be high on the list of priorities for me and many others and together with it is personality and personal traits are also hughly valued.
For your information I agree with Mr. Ghosts.
Thank you both for your comments. I don't totally disagree with Mr Ghosts either. Physical attraction is very important. For me though physical attraction can come out of the attraction to a personallity as well as looks. Maybe I'm just a little different or had different experiencies, It would be good to get the view of some women too. Happy hunting guys.
There's another part of this that you're missing. This is an online dating site where people are already anonymous to a large degree. Having a photo gives people an idea of who they are talking to at least. Being too anonymous here will turn some off to you as they may think you're a scammer.
Physical attraction is all there is to go on initially. It's not everything and "attraction" is a subjective thing especially when it's the physical kind, but it is an important part of things especially initially. Online, people want to know what you look like so they can attach a face to the person they are talking to. Having a picture isn't necessary, but it will make it harder for you.
The people here aren't your wife of several years, they are strangers who don't know anything about you or what you look like. If you were meeting someone in person, would you hide your face/body in a bag? Your logic is flawed in the way you're trying to apply it. A wife of several years and a stranger on the internet aren't even comparable nor should you approach both situations the same way or expect the other to.
A lady's personality will last longer than her looks