FateSpinnerClotho blog post

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Why Does It Matter?

by FateSpinnerClotho,Sep/24/2012

What's more important: to be beautiful or to be happy? My country's society bothers me in this way. I'm not considered beautiful because my weight is higher than "average", or because my complexion isn't pristine. What's wrong with my personality that my looks should be the focus? Once I get older, won't they change anyway? My hair will turn white, and I'll develop wrinkles. But I'll still joke and smile and care about anyone who crosses my path. That is permanent in a person should be the focus, not that which is fleeting. Even "paint an inch thick" will eventually chip away.

I'm overweight by most standards. I still have acne and break-outs. And that's why I hide behind a computer screen. It's hard to judge someone's looks without pictures and only by their words. I do get it, though. I'm guilty of it myself. Humans are very visual creatures, and we know what we find physically attractive. I know I like a bright smile, neat appearance, and nice eyes. But if the most visually-perfect person in the world to me is going to be some snobby, egotistical jackass, nothing about his looks will be enough to save a relationship. I've been down that road, and I will never do it again.

We have baggage. All of us. I have a huge chip on my shoulder from abuse that I carry around, and it scares people off, I can't deny that. I'm kinda rambling at this point, but I have some trouble articulating my feelings on physical preferences. I guess I can say it this way: don't let preferences be a deciding factor. If you normally like girls who are slim and cute, don't rule out a bigger girl who might be shy and sweet. Or don't rule out a blonde if you normally like brunettes. Be confident, but not arrogant about your own looks.

And now that I'm starting to sound like Polonius in Shakespeare's Hamlet, I'll shut up.

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