Base on my OBSERVATION....
by Gab,Nov/18/2018
In most MEN
(am not GENERALIZING - just to clarify it)..
They love to WELCOME women at the door of HEAVEN but they can easily SEND them anytime at the gate of HELL!..
Find someone like me, you won't have that problem.
i am a man.
Maybe you have to be so okay with yourself that you don't need a man in your life at all, and then you can wait, be incredibly selective and not get with the wrong guy out of a pure need to be anything but alone. I don't know you very well, so I don't know if this applies to you at all, but it could be the answer to your question. Also: when people first meet, they tend to try to "put their best foot forward." Then as time goes on, it turns out they are not always able to live up to that "best foot" moment, because people are inherently flawed creatures and we don't always even try to do our best. We often let others down because we let ourselves down. If you want to be in a relationship, there's necessarily going to be a process of learning the other's faults and deciding if you can live with those faults or not; but being okay with yourself can provide the footing from which to make good decisions concerning whether or not you're really into that guy, or not.