gentnsv blog post

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full frontal hugs

by gentnsv,Dec/17/2012

My "The business about kissing!" post failed to elicit any response. Let me try one more time before concluding there is no live woman left on this site. :-)

When a woman offers up a full frontal hug, pressing her breasts firmly onto the man's chest, is she signaling sexual interest?


  • By ??? ,Dec/19/2012

    That depends entirely upon the woman. With most women the answer is probably yes. However, there are women who are simply affectionate. They are merely showing gratitude and/or appreciation through a firm hug in response to a kind gesture, supportive comment or some other pleasantry or reason. Some women will thank another via hugging. If a gal is interested in engaging sexually with a man there are other more obvious signals/ways she will let him know.

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