HeAvEnSeNt blog posts

  • HeAvEnSeNt

    Gods Angels

    by HeAvEnSeNt,Oct/20/2012

    I love God very much. Due to the fact that I beleive in him, and seen wonders of his work. When someone see you on the right track they will try their best to tear you down, either undercover or right in your face. Note this, No matter whatever they try to do, Their is always an angel around you. That will be there to carry u and help you through any and everything that you do, or what situation ... Read the whole post

  • HeAvEnSeNt

    Not Just Any Gift

    by HeAvEnSeNt,Oct/20/2012

    Ive been in many relationships in the past but nothing quiet like this. Many people have been hurt in their lives including me. But I didnt allow the hurt and anger to come into any relationship that I come upon. When someone finally finds that special gift Called LOVE. They dont want anyone or anything to take it away from them. :)

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