by high_heels,Apr/03/2011
Would you condemn someone who choose to go on a different path? Would you justify to the rest of the world your reasons and actions?
Would you leave your current life for something uncertain? Would you do something crazy for the sake of experience?
Would you give up everything just to savor that small blissful moment?
Would you trade in your security for a gamble with little chance of winning?
The what if’s in a persons life can bring him/her to a world of confusion, worst to a state of regret. But if life is to be savored by every bit of joy and agony, then I definitely know now that I’m alive.
Am I entitled to question what was promised to be forever?
Or should I question fate instead?
I am no expert in life, I am no expert in everything.
All I know is that everything is not suppose to happened the way you want them to be.
And if the current changes and brings you to a different direction, would you go back to where you were from or will you open yourself to that new path?
The feeling of agony for wanting someone so desperate is painful, yet I find the pain to be addictive.
I guess wanting something you cant have is even better than not wanting anything at all. Will forever happiness be my way or did it pass me by already?