InDigo blog post

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by InDigo,Feb/11/2013

It seems most men are looking for ladies who have long hair...sad that they find me not attractive enough due to age and having short me whether short or long or not up to their standard...its very point here is most importantly is YOU...Your Heart...and How You Treat and Accept The Person...It's not the Sexy Body or How Good looking You are...what we need is to be Thankful and Grateful..everything is created by stop looking down at others but respect..them...for who they are..please for heaven sake..

  • No photo
    By InDigo ,Feb/25/2013

    Hi Starlite, thank you so much, appreciate what have said here.
    Now I placed a photo back in my profile...I will move on for who I am with or without partner...have a blessed week! GOD Bless You My Dear Friend !! Gracias!! :)

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