INTP_CA blog posts


    Most people lack logic, besides the fact they don't have common sense.

    by INTP_CA,Mar/02/2025

    Sounds like one is a bad judge of character. Also, get fooled easily. By the way, there is really no such thing as "fake love" (just that one don't know what love is, if one did one can never get fooled).


    What a Real & True Relationship Is:

    by INTP_CA,Jul/11/2024

    Uncondtional and total acceptance for each other, of one's past, everything in the current and in to the future.


    Look into My Eyes and See the Truth...

    by INTP_CA,Nov/10/2023

    The made up saying," Eyes are the window(s) to the Soul," is utter Nonsense and repeated by fools, those who don't think for themselves and who don't even noticed the obvious. The eye or eyes is/are one of the many sensory organs. Many living things have eye or eyes. The utter Nonsense, "One can tell who the other person is by looking deep into their eye(s)." Just shows how gullible people ... Read the whole post


    Consciousness exist in the Mind (Self). & The Body is Only one's Phycial Identity.

    by INTP_CA,Nov/10/2023

    It's our body not our consciousness that give us our identity it is the only tangible aspect that has ever differentiated all the species in the world. Needless to say a sense of the body is also ingrained in our DNA. - (Quote from "Assassin" a 2023 American Sci-fi action film - directed by Jesse Atlas.)


    Important Famous Quotables For Current Time. #2

    by INTP_CA,Oct/23/2023

    “Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.” — Henry Kissinger


    Who are you? And what you are seeking here?

    by INTP_CA,Jun/01/2023

    I'm seeking a lady with these same shared values: Love, Kindness, Companionship, Intellectual stimulation, Mutual commitment and support & Fidelity. Is Social and Health Conscious. Lives a Healthy & Simple Lifestyle. Is kind and loving. Seeks real human interaction & connection. Me: Great common sense, kind, trustworthy, caring, friendly, open minded, honest, decent, good listener, wise, ... Read the whole post


    Silence as Acceptance (Idiom) for Current Time.

    by INTP_CA,Feb/27/2023

    Silence is Consent: a conscept of social interaction, which states that people tend to assume that lack of responce to an action as a tacit approval of that action. He who is silent, when he ought to have spoken and was able to, is taken to agree. - Latin proverb.


    Important Famous Quotables For Current Time.

    by INTP_CA,Feb/12/2023

    "It's Easier to Fool People than to Convince Them that They have been Fooled." - Mark Twain. "One Sure Mark of a Fool is to Dismiss Anything that Falls Outside His/Her Experience as Being Impossible." - Farengar Secret-Fire - Skyrim.


    They Care + Love Us and Wish to Save Us ALL!

    by INTP_CA,Dec/04/2022

    From a few became over 7 billion in 2012 and 8 billion today (on Nov. 15, 2022, according to the United Nations). What over 8 billion will became growing at a much faster rate? You think we will be around in the coming years and have future generations?

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