Joei blog posts

  • Joei

    oh folks worldwide

    by Joei,Feb/16/2025

    Much ridiculousness GOING ON HERE : on this tiny website of modern times . Naked we all are born Naked we all go one day And in between we all put on a lot of costumes . LONGING for some BETTER UNDERSTANDING EACH OTHER. ALRIGHT, FRIENDS WORLDWIDE. LIFE IS, AND STAYS, A BUZZING BEEHIVE. this tiny insight a humble doc in tiny Germany here dares to share with you all WISH YOU ... Read the whole post

  • Joei

    Worldwide FRIENDSHIP -

    by Joei,Sep/14/2024

    Oh dear friends in this ONE world - so many of you seem to search, on here, this fine website, for "private happiness". Me here, Joe, Germany looks for a tiny bit more . So FREELY I SHARE my humble WhatsApp number here : Most unobtrusively. Most FAITHFULLY that this ONE world keeps looking for THIS : FRIENDSHIP , openminded. Inside limited life times. In RESPECT for each ... Read the whole post

  • Joei

    Friendship richer than "love"

    by Joei,Jun/15/2024

    Lots of people on here don't even give it a try , an openminded one, in the HERE and NOW. Well - as the saying goes .. "You can lead a horse to the water. What you can't is just this: make the horse drink" 😊 Yet the MUSIC never ends as it is Mother Nature's endless drum beat

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