lazboys blog post


to be

by lazboys,Mar/23/2016

It seem that I was born under a Star
That forces me to watch young people
With further ahead of them ( and die / screamo )
I have entered your world
And this is how it use to be
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
Dancing through the flower petals
The smile of you, who flew through this window
( screamo > and i died , i wont ever forget ,not even tomorrow )
A beautiful flower too will eventually wither and fall. That's the fate of all living beings
Its natural for one to want to stop the time
While they're still blossoming
Even if it's only for a moment,
I want you to bloom by my side and when you fade away...
do so at my side. In return,
I will... make beautiful flowers bloom
by your side again and again
Our path untrodden lie
Next to a rose .
Against a dark sky all flowers look like fireworks.
Are sweet remembrance who tell
Where we belong is often where we least expect
to find ourselves a place that we may have willed ourselves to forget,
but that the heart remembers forever.
It seem that I was born under a Star
That forces me to watch young people
With further ahead of them ( and die / screamo

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