LB2021 blog post


to be or not to be...

by LB2021,Jan/05/2022

To be or not to be! words cannot express freely but we can do something to be potentially achieve something. Life is tougher than any other people thinks most especially those struggling on a mysterious ways. But then they still on the go and survived! No one will hurt us as much as we do not want our feelings hurt too right? The pandemic brings our life so many changes that even ourselves do not know where to start as journey begins to be crucial and painful. Life must go on and someone that we want to talk to, laugh with, smile and keep on going will make us a human despite this new era happening on us. We need someone to be on our side to fulfill our happiness and enjoyment as human humbly looking on a bright side of our tomorrow. To be good is enough but we still have much to do in order to change others' lives. By continuing our unconditional love and that will make us happy and not to be miserable at the end of the day. Pray hard and it can move mountains of struggles as what I am doing, hoping for the best not only for myself but for others! Smile:)

  • Thats me.
    By AmericanHeart ,Jan/25/2022

    Who cares about the "Great Virus Lockdown!" Ok, I am Conservative and pretty much against masking, and all that crap. ? My opinion.

  • By ??? ,Feb/15/2022

    Live free or die.

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