Melusine blog post


I Was Snow White, Then I Drifted

by Melusine,Jun/02/2016

What is your favorite planet?

It used to be Pluto, and then the smart asses at whatever cosmological think tank decided to make it a not-planet. Mercury’s too hot, Venus is full of herself, Saturn is all about the bling, Jupiter's too much, and Uranus and Neptune are a whole lot of the same thing. I choose Mars.

If you could live anywhere other than earth where would you live?

I’d like a planet with advanced multiverse technology and at least three moons. My summer home on the astral plane is very nice too.

Do you collect anything?

Dust. Seriously...Happy Bunny stickers, original Dead Kennedys stuff, lucky cats, and followers.

Whats your favorite alcoholic drink?

Since I don’t drink alcohol and haven’t had alcohol in twenty years, I no longer remember what my favorite drink was. I suspect it would be absinthe.

How about non alcoholic?

Coffee in all of its permutations and derivations, green tea, water (I have the best tap water in North America), black cherry wichniak...heck, pretty much anything that’s not an energy drink.

Piercings/tats, yes or no?

Nope. I don’t need any more holes. I change my mind too often to commit to a tat.

Whats the best gift someone could give you?

Acceptance. But I'm always keen on tech gadgets.

What band do you never tire of?

Dead Kennedys and Jean Michel Jarre (what a combination)

Who's your favorite author?

Choosing just one based on the ratio of titles I’ve loved to entire body of work, Carlos Castaneda.

Who's your favorite artist?

I discovered Gustav Adolf Mossa on a trip to the French Riviera, and he’s been my favorite ever since.

Do you read your horoscope?

Not on purpose.

Who's the most beautiful person in your life?

My sister, who is not only breathtaking in her own manner and her own style but is the very definition of a beautiful soul as well.

Name someone who's changed your life for the better?

My late dog Max made me a better person.

Name someone who's changed your life for the worse?

All personal experiences make me who I am, so there's no such thing as a detrimental person.

If someone gave you a telescope what would you use it for?

I'd use it for a long night of exploring the celestial with good friends.

If you could only wear one color, what would that be?

Black would be practical, but I think I'd go with red.

Makeup on guys, yes or no?

Well, Eric Draven from The Crow is still very hot, so I'm all for it.

If you could have a superpower what would that be?

I hate this question. How about the ability to change universes?

What one word describes you best?


What is your favorite song at the moment?

Riverhead by Prick

Name your addictions.

Technically? None.

Name your passions.

Communicating through the written word, communicating through imagery, all things related to dogs and dog adoption and rehabilitation, and being a positive role model for young women.

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