muchpry blog post


pearl of love

by muchpry,Sep/24/2013

---- if pearls hoarded,. will be nice and beautiful, its circle,.. --------------------------------- ---- ----if pearl of love,.. do not be buried in your heart not beautiful,.. out rounded the abscess in cheek,.. do not hoarded your love, give me your love, and i hold love, hmmm,.. and receive your love, ooops... yess.. pls call me.. mmmucppr?? LOL,, :) :lol: :P :?:

  • nice guy looking for someone good lady
    By muchpry ,Sep/27/2013

    you well,, original pearl hard to look for,. genuine love someone too hard and should be sought,. but do not be bored looking, and do not give up transform looking for genuine love, ok

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