Nemayne blog post


Nice guys

by Nemayne,Feb/24/2014

Why is it that nice guys finish last? When all we want to do is love every one like they're the last. I'm not a bad boy psycho. I'm the type of person who is quiet and let's everyone cry on his shoulder and when we let a person know how we feel. Bam I concidered you only as a brother. How is it that a bad boy is what most women want? When the nice guy will treat you with dignity and respect, Give you flowers and gifts on any day without occasion. But I guess Beene most of us are shy and cannot open with words we go by our actions to show a woman what she deserves. Our kindness is our downfall. Concidered friends to most and others. When not a lot of people know is that we tend to make great lovers. Compassion is what we know pleasing a woman is what we strive for. Give everything we can even if it's someone we would die for. I was told many long years ago put a woman before yourself and nothing wrong would ever grow. I can say that is not entirely true for there is a lot of evil that people will do. Take advantage of your heart clear up till the time that you are threw. Some people call us the beta males. But I am no beta just myself. My heat is my guide and no one else. I wish all good will, and with that I'll let it be. For everyone else I'm just going to be me.

  • You gotta give a little to get a little
    By HalfSweet ,Mar/13/2014

    It makes me sad you feel this way! Whatever you do, don't lose hope! It may just not be your time to find your special someone or maybe whoever she is, she isn't fully ready to love you YET!! Keep being the best you, you can be and it'll happen! I believe this for everyone who is worthy and you sir sound very worthy!

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