protrusile blog post


In a previous life

by protrusile,May/26/2013

In a previous life I must have pissed off God in a big way...Hell I am paying for it now. In the last four years I have lost my home (I was made redundant) PPI refused to pay. My beautiful partner/wife of 18 years ran off with another guy leaving with our two young sons at the time one was 18 months old the other just 5 years old. I have had to stop work to take care of them but now life has hit me with the biggest whammy of all I have been struck down with an illness that is so rare it is thought I am the only one in the UK with it. 56 MILLION people live in the UK and it chose me. Life really does suck.. Before any of you lovely people out there gets worried "no" I am not about to jump off a high building.

On top of all this yet another TWO ladies have tried to scam me for money... JC I must have gullible tattooed across my forehead. Lovely people out there in "Love Free Land" if you read my criteria and you do not fit who I am looking for PLEASE don't write to me please don't send me winks please don't send me virtual kisses... I have been on my own now for four years if I have to wait another four to find my partner then so-be-it. Because two hospitals misdiagnosed my condition I will try and sue them if I am successful then I will have hundreds of thousands of pounds it's a pity I will not have anyone to share it with. But I will keep looking just in case... Have a great day everyone.

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