rore blog post


Been here

by rore,Dec/18/2020

Hi its been awhile since my last blog post here. something that i badly needed right now for my soul, heart and mind ?... I have meet a wonderful guy here but actually ive meet alot here just online. never had the chance to meet someone in person. in reality someone to be connected with and someone that will make me realize that its really legit the real love story that meet online and came true in real world. if you could see my profile i am and been here for alot of years i have meet someone who ended up my friends someone i was so connected that end up my friend but he has illness and now he pass away ??. i even learn about it a year after that is why i was so down after learning about it. there are lost of people good people i meet online but never had the chance to meet in real. i had bf's that is just online but never had that strong minded and strong physically ? a person to pursue me. that makes me realize this is not really my thing. But I don't want to delete my profile. if you could see me online most of the tme its not because i talked to lots of people actually the opposite of it. lol i am not talking to anyone. have mail exchange se few but thats it. no moving forward. that makes me think that this just because some may think i am here to collect guys lol way the opposite. i am not the typical woman who will indulge your longingness i guess i am that boring. i guess you can call it i am looking for taht one special guy 1% out of 100,000 member. most of the time i call myself here as "parking"

Anyway, i meet this wonderful guy again fall in love to him I really thought we will end up together but after 2 years of talking and me falling in love i even open up myself to him upto the point that i never been open to other guy. ??

in the nothing again no good results. so i guess this is it. i would never expect anything anymore..

i guess that would be all for now.

  • I will appreciate a decent girlfriend
    By Mike6666 ,Feb/07/2021

    If you think we might need to get together you will have to live and work here in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin rent an apartment get 2 cats and a job. Work will be good for you if you are a decent lady we will do good together. Mike Young

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