rosemarie80 blog post


Why Not?

by rosemarie80,Jan/10/2016

It's a new year and we are still looking for that right person. How long are you/me willing to wait? I am putting 'me' first this year and focusing on making myself healthier, slowly incorporating exercise, and eating out to a real minimum. I believe these changes will allow me to feel better, be happier with myself and perhaps then my life will be such that the right man will also be willing to take a chance on a new relationship. I am excited about this year and what I am doing for myself. I won't be on here much for awhile as I work through these things, but I will be back in a couple months or so. I hope Mr. Right is waiting for me then too. Best of luck to everyone and 2016 is your year to do what makes you happy.

  • Curious
    By savnit4u ,Jan/06/2016

    Thank you, I wish you the best in your journey. I have decided much of the same for myself.

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