sinceremj blog post


no picture or no facebook

by sinceremj,Mar/13/2017

I have 3 pending friend requests but I'm hesitant to accept coz they don't have even 1 picture in their profile. It's a bit scary to befriend a total stranger, without a picture coz many scammers in the net.I blocked already 7 people who dont have picture or don't have facebook acct.

  • By ??? ,Mar/14/2017

    Hi, I guess,she is only protecting herself. And her right opinion not to forgo accepting anyone who ask to be a friend. Just respect anyone what choices she can do to safeguard herself.
    I do believe all dating sites either they are being paid or not, have scammers around. "SOME" scammers nowadays dont show pictures because they now know, there are websites that can trace them and have recordings of being reported by victims. Trust me--be aware-there are either males or females who circulates,they exists and still scam victims on any dating sites.
    Heed the warnings of every dating sites.Thanks for reading folks! :-)

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