sinceremj blog post



by sinceremj,Mar/18/2017

Someone reacted to my blog, about picture in profile or having a facebook acct. Most of profiles who dont have pictures are scary, and also the facebook acct. with no picture or pictures or any infos about the person.Dont be so affected by my post, if you're not a scammer or hiding anything.

  • only time I weasr a suit these days is at funerals.
    By cutelittlebaldguy ,Mar/19/2017

    I can agree with you one hundred percent. But, in my case all of my pictures are in my face book so I tell potential mates to go there if they want to see my pics. I can't seem to file them and then have access. Still working on it. I wish I could post a couple of pics here but until I get things figured out this is how it needs to be.

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