Sissy56 blog post


don't judge a book by it's cover you never know what's inside

by Sissy56,Jun/23/2018

I have met a bunch of people in the last few years and one thing that I have found out is this that a person can have knock out looks man or woman and be the nastiest person around and be down right ugly, and then you can take a man or woman who is plain looking like me for instance and I am one of the most beautiful people you would ever meet but you snub me and others like me. so that is why the title of this is don't judge a book by it's cover because you never know what is on the inside, so what I am trying to say is give me and others like me a chance.


  • By ??? ,Jun/23/2018

    As you well know God looks at the heart of a person not what they look like nor what they may have done. And it's a good thing that He does or I would not be in the Kingdom HA! We are all brainwashed by our media (TV, Radio, Newspapers etc.) as young children so, it's no wonder that most of us are hung-up on what appearances are.

  • Me.
    By TVcameraman ,Jun/24/2018

    That's like the song, She Ain't Pretty..
    She ain't pretty, she just looks that way.
    And I have run into a few of that type myself.

  • looking for that big gal
    By showmeyourlegs ,Jul/01/2018

    I am so tired of Hollywood ca of trying to make men only want skinny woman I myself have always went for the bigger gal and no its not for the size of the boobs my reason is I love the bigger hips and thighs and its to bad most woman that are bigger think a man is hard up not in my case I don't much care for skinny woman I want to see meat on a womans bones

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