SweetestBrownSugar blog post


A Good Man

by SweetestBrownSugar,Sep/20/2010

I have always beLIEved that everyone has that one true love who will love them and take care of them for the rest of your life. I thought I found just such a person; I gave my entire heart to this man and he NEVER doubted for a minute that I loved him and would've walked through fire for him. I have NEVER cheated or been dishonest with him and yet he found it in that place where his heart is supposed to be to do everything in his power to break me down and take everything he could from me without giving me anything in return but heartache and more pain that I ever want to feel again. I have been tempted to just give up on EVER finding that ONE man who will treat me like the priceless jewel that I am; someone who will not only want to take care of me in every way but will feel it is his duty as a man to make sure that I have the things I need so that I will NEVER WANT anything!

I am looking for a man who is not only physically attractive on the outside but also a man who is attractive on the inside who has a heart of platinum and wants to share his life and all that comes along with it with me. I have a lot to offer but I am tired of giving it to a man who just takes and takes and takes and NEVER gives ANYTHING!

I am hoping that I will soon find the man that will make me believe in love again because right now; I don't know anymore. :( :roll:

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