sweetyammy2013 blog post



by sweetyammy2013,Nov/27/2013

A perfect relationship is nothing like a magical fairy tale or a lived happily ever after classic love story. It is about real people, real situations and real reactions. Every relationship goes through ups, downs, fights, arguments and irritable phases. But the most compatible couples have amazing understanding of each other’s levels of patience and tolerance. They have an amazing ability to forgive, forget and bounce back. A perfect relationship is not about trying to change your partner or insisting on making them see things your way but accepting each other’s silly awkward side and the serious side gracefully. The secret to a strong bond between couples is their ability to endure each other’s imperfections and cherish differences. You need to have an extraordinary passion to keep the spark alive in your relationship .It is all about embracing each other with all imperfections and sticking together even through the worst circumstances in life. An authentic relationship is where couples completely surrender themselves to each other and become each other’s source of happiness. It is all about two people who are determined to make their relationship work with maturity, understanding, commitment and unconditional love.

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