TCKINNEY951 blog post


Single Father and Dating

by TCKINNEY951,Feb/12/2014

The dating world is a tough place for us guys who don't look like George Clooney and have the bank account to go with it. Being a single father on top of that I have pretty much realized that I will be single for a long time. There are 2 types of single fathers "The Weekender" which pretty much explains itself but just so you know that is the father who has his kids a certain amount of days per week usually weekends because he wants it that way of he got screwed by the judge. The second type is "The Full Timer" the full timer is somewhat rare I have actually only met one. Now I myself am a Full Timer I live for my children I make sure that everything they need is provided, I said need not want..... I have heard a lot of ladies say that "they would like a man who is family oriented and likes kids" I can probably pick any profile randomly and it would have something pretty close to that but anyways on to my point, liking kids and taking care of your kids is pretty much the same thing I mean if a guy didn't like kids he more than likely wouldn't stick around and participate in their lives. I myself had a father like that and I told myself I will never be that kind of guy, the guy who loves the sex but not what comes next..... And I am true to my word I have always participated in my daughters lives and when they were old enough they told there mom that they wanted to live with me, she tried to fight it, tried to run her mouth about me to them and make me look bad, that's fine I believe actions speak louder than words. I can say it hasn't always been easy girls have things happen that boys don't if you know what i mean but thankfully my mother took point on that one, I cant count how many times i have had my toenails painted, or my goatee braided or a makeup party, the number of times isn't important the fact that I was there was all that mattered. I had put off dating until recently my daughters are now 15 and 13 so the understand a lot better than when they were 3 and 5. The reason I had stopped dating was because I was on a sight that we all probably know POF.COM and I had met a women she was smart had a job, 2 kids and very pretty. We chatted back and forth and really got to know each other so I asked her to go out she said yes ok great I told her i would have to get back to her on the day because i wasn't sure when my babysitter could babysit. Not a big deal for someone who says the guy has to like children right, WRONG she told me she will not date a man who has kids......... and all of this was stated within the first two lines of my profile MY NAME IS TIM I AM A SINGLE FATHER WHO HAS MY CHILDREN FULL TIME , so i guess it was kind of both of our faults i never flat out said i had children and she just looked at the pic of me leaning on my homeboys new car and didn't read my profile. I had a point when i started writing this but I kind of got caught up in writing and forgot so i will go with this:

FELLAS if you have kids be sure you take care of them they are you they will grow up wanting to be like you it doesn't matter if you have money or you have a shitty job all that matters to them is that you are there!!!!! And when dating be sure you let her know clearly that you are a single father either weekender of full timer that way nothing is questionable just keep it real.
LADYS you have no problem letting someone know you have kids that I applaud you for i have never met a woman who lied about her having children... Just be sure you let the man you are dating know his role in your childs life... tell the guy i am not looking for a baby daddy or you are looking for a baby daddy whatever just make it known. Just remember ladys that you shouldn't always judge a book by its cover read it get to know it before you pass judgement look at my picture tattoos on my neck looking thuggish you never would have known i have full custody of my kids, work fulltime and go to college for my degree in engineering if i just didn't tell you. if we were on the streets you would have held onto your purse a little tighter as i walked by and i understand that but a friendly smile goes along way. so I don't know if anyone will really read this or not but i am going to end this with something one of my teachers told me "TODAY YOU CAN IMPACT SOMEONES LIFE FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE JUST BY THE WORDS YOU SPEAK" Think about it remember it pass it along thanks for your time TIM

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