Thir13en_Ghosts blog post


The Common Law court

by Thir13en_Ghosts,Oct/27/2019

the common law court fights for the rights of the people, the common law court has a number of cases at the supreme court right now and the common law court have challenged the supreme court with a case saying that the common law court is superior to the supreme court, the supreme court refused to hear the case because they know the common llaw court would win because in a common law court the defendants are judged by a jury of (12) their peers which in itself is superior to how the supreme court or any other court would do it.

Help to Reclaim Our Rights And Lawful Remedy

The truth is that throughout everyday life, people everywhere use and rely on Common Law to live and work together. It is simply the inherent way that people conduct their affairs together. Liken it to the roots that bind together human communities by unconditionally upholding the life, dignity and well-being of every man, woman and child. These roots are especially necessary and foundational in the face of powers that seek to subvert such natural freedom.

To extend our everyday reign of Common Law into all areas of life means to challenge the arbitrary rule. But the very fact that it is the Law of we, the vast majority of humanity, means that it only needs to be consistently practiced by enough of us to allow the Sheriff Officers and the authorities to enforce.

Getting Started

The Common Law Court has created an International database for all living men and women. By submitting a declaration for your birth, you have confirmed that you exist.

Currently, the only existing record for you is a legal fiction which the state has attached to you; this means that you fall under their rules. this is corruption and fraud on a massive scale by the powers that be because the attachment allows them to sell your personal details around the world just in case you ever wondered why you get junk mail addressed to you from unknown senders, that's because your personal information is sold to them and the birth certificate makes you a slave to your country, By recording your birth with the Common Law Court, you now have an option, you can remain under the statutory system and rules or stand under the authority and jurisdiction of the Common Law Court.

There is no charge for recording any information with the Common Law Court.

Register your birth certificate

Order your CLC Card
CLC Cards are available for Great Britain and Internationally, each will have a passport photo, the flag for your country of birth and the information that you have recorded with the Common Law Court.

  • By ??? ,Oct/23/2019

    Thir13en_Ghosts: Thanks a lot for providing this valuable information. I have registered and will be getting my CLC card soon. I hope that you obtain many blessings for the service you have provided here. Thanks again. :)

  • Thir13en_Ghosts
    By Thir13en_Ghosts ,Oct/23/2019

    Thanks buddy, we need to open our eyes and see the corruption we are surrounded by, it's a tyrannical government we are living under, the common law court is run by the people for the people and the more people who join and support the common law court the more powerful we will become.

  • Thir13en_Ghosts
    By Thir13en_Ghosts ,Oct/27/2019

    You may notice that in your vehicles log book you are registered as the keeper, not the owner and this is the reason why police officers have the right to seize your vehicle, because you have registered your vehicle at the DVLA or similar for different countries it means that the DVLA own that vehicle and they give the police permission to seize your vehicle, life is full of contracts like these that mislead you into a false sense of security, it's a classic case of how we are being lied to.

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