Thir13en_Ghosts blog post


We must learn to excercise our rights.

by Thir13en_Ghosts,Nov/06/2019

Here's a perfect example of me excercising my rights, 3 days ago my new car was wheel clamped and big bright yellow notices were placed on the windows, UNTAXED VEHICLE but they picked on the wrong guy this time, immediately I removed their unlawful notices, Then I went into my garden shed and came out with my angle grinder and proceeded to cut off their wheel clamp, later I did some research and found out that after 24 hours have passed they return to the scene in order to seize the vehicle, they tow it away,not only did I cut off their wheel clamp, I also kept it for my own personal use, the car has been registered at the common law court, this means it is under the jurisdiction of the common law court, not the jurisdiction of any UK court and therefore no one is allowed to seize the vehicle, there is also a legal notice confirming this in the front window of the vehicle which puts anyone trying to seize the vehicle or attatch anyhting to it under liability for a fine of £1,000, all these actions are lawful and have been put in place to protect the people from corrupt corporations/authorities, I'll teach them not to mess with me lol.

  • By ??? ,Nov/06/2019

    Hi!, Thir13en_Ghosts: Good for you. Please let us know how it all ends up. :)

  • Thir13en_Ghosts
    By Thir13en_Ghosts ,Nov/06/2019

    Yes I will.

  • Thir13en_Ghosts
    By Thir13en_Ghosts ,Nov/10/2019

    Well there's been no repecussions yet and I expect there won't be as I know how these people work, I've dealt with them many times although mainly under different circumstances and their unlawful acts speak volumes when you take actions to stop them in their tracks and nothing happens in retaliation, I also ignored two notice from the police of intended prosecution for a speed camera infraction, again nothing happened, I keep seeing the same pattern over and over again.

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