Thrasymachus blog post


as lockdown continues...

by Thrasymachus,May/23/2020

I couldn't help but notice that about a month ago someone wrote that we have completely over reacted to the TrumpVirus Pandemic, are wising up, and the lockdown is ending. I was SOOoo hoping that person was right for once. As of today, we have had over 92,000 deaths from it in the USA, and we have no real plan to slow this number down. We have a president who claims to be taking hydroxychloroquine, about a week after he suggested that doctors look into injecting disinfectants into people, "almost like a cleaning." Contact tracing works, but the UFC is doing more contact tracing so people can fight each other in a cage than the US Government is doing so people can live their lives. And another thing, if in fact this has been a huge overreaction and our destroyed economy with its highest unemployment since The Great Depression is for nothing, doesn't this illustrate a concrete reason why its important to have a leader, a president, who isn't constantly displaying incredible incompetence, and who you can trust what they say is most likely true? Is this too much to ask?

So yesterday in an obvious attempt to pander to the Evangelical vote, Trump announced the reopening of churches. He even said if governors refuse to go along with it, the Federal Government shall intervene. Its notable that many Christians are already Republican and support Trump, and that only Trump supporting morons would follow such incredibly reckless advice. If this ends up killing 1 or 2 percent of would-be Trump voters, and their absence in November leads to his losing the election, it shall likely go down in history as the dumbest, most ironic (and lethal) political blunder of all time.

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