Thrasymachus blog post


Canto 66

by Thrasymachus,Oct/03/2020

Values and attitudes during the course of history:
they are abstract and difficult:
poverty of an artist and luxury of an infidel:
evil justice is justice that no one can put to any bad use:
nothing at all like black mail in the walls of a church:
despite their best efforts and innovative retailing formats:
amputating everything:
no advanced security systems remained behind with the cockroaches:
the region had become infested:
parading green spaces:
academic and professional credentials:
beige on beige violence:
this why size cannot be defined without relativizing:
the society of superiors and acceptable frameworks:
it will be clearly marked with a huge red bow:
rabbits screwing like minks, making more rabbits:
the poor, the oppressed, and the job applicants:
they were new before they were changed:
the tour around the world:
authentically confused about all this prideful mindfulness:
two designations were discussed:
one was pointed at the policy:
the other attached to the issue it addressed:
the mysterious metropolitan bicycle path murderer:
network strong front page news prong:
low tech slum lord thug rules:
a certain K dimensional distribution plan:
anticipatory responses:
this was the wrong kind of copy:
there was only one to choose from:
a brilliant selection sir or ma'am:
compelled, yes, everyone is compelled:
the inequality of secondary moments:
she got back to nature and bled to death:
a tiny red creature, just barely macroscopic:
crawling inside the pee hole of his penis:
it was a matter of simply comparing the designs:
nobody is truly in charge of quality control:
the Pulitzer hoax:
the Nobel lie:
blow jobs for everyone who enters:
read a million times before it was published and forgotten:
more difficult problems will survive:
coffee, ice cream, and an unhealthy economy:
lightweight and compact for easy transport:
a token existence:
unmatched by anything ever created by humans:
gas chambers, electric chairs and steam engines:
forming a state task force of formidable information:
now a moderate form of the argument:
he drove harmlessly into a brick wall:
apple pie housewives and suburban vice rings:
fireside stories of reactions to public perceptions:
she cried out for her mommy:
he was a former truck driver:
the time limit was shattered too:
it either speeds up or slows down:
executioners gather in groups to discuss parabolic geometry:
six months from now I expect a phone call will clear up everything:
so do the victims of impeachment:
that was the object of a morbid excitement:
crawling to the swing set with multiple knives in my back:
a centrist economic consultant:
flashbacks to childhood's unrealized potential:
the economies of torts and accidents:
removing the staples to avoid the inclusion:
perfecting the deterrence:
our first task is to destabilize their political system:
legislation that extends existence is in the works:
dead wrong about that treasured revolution:
the blackest cat was in the doorless windowless lightless black room:
she had no obvious disabilities:
sitting in a chair near a window with a view of the street below:
a strengthening grip was beginning to tale off:
systems that were tentatively favorable:
decoding cannot be crucial to anything of real value:
happy healthy hypoplexia:
unbiased virus vectors one and all:
there's always vacancies at our local morgue, even when there's not:
causes have been postulated:
blame has been laid at the feet of the blamed:
extrinsic preconditions volunteer an ambulance:
convictions raise and destroy barriers:
rapid fire rabid dog recess bell rings its warning cadence:
I cannot personally count the sea shells:
but I never used the word 'impossible'.

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