Thrasymachus blog post



by Thrasymachus,Dec/27/2021

Apparently it began in a similar manner to Easter, that is, as The Church filling the need to create a holiday on top of the pre-existing "Pagan" holidays of the solar reality so the "Pagans" would stop celebrating the actual return of the days lengthening (in this case, whereas with Easter it was the equinox and fertility rites) in lieu of absolute bullshit. It really worked too...

I love the part about how it's not only okay to lie to the kids about Santa, but that you're also expected to lie to yourself and pretend you aren't actually lying to the kids. That's called "Bad Faith" and you can learn everything you might want to know about it in Sartre's "Being and Nothingness" (but not one person reading this is going to read "Being and Nothingness." Not one...).

I find it amazing that so few people make the obvious connection about lying to their kids about Santa and lying to themselves about Jesus on the same day; but then again, we are just silly primates destined for knee and back issues later in life due to how recently we began walking upright on two limbs...

Years ago when "Black Friday" became a well known phenomena I thought that the cat had escaped the bag. The modern day "True Meaning of Christmas" was now entirely public. Of course it didn't matter. All the people who could make the connection and watch Christmas fade away as a funny thing that we evolved beyond were all killed at "The Bowling Green Massacre." So sad...

Did you now that this is the season with the most suicides? According to the same mythology that made up the holiday that becomes their last straw, all those people will go directly to hell and be burnt for all eternity...

Fuck Christmas!

  • Thats me.
    By AmericanHeart ,Jan/25/2022

    I am a Christian and I am pretty much against "Easter", Christmas, etc. I am not a Mormon or Jehovah's Witness that they would agree with you and I. I am just a non-denomination with beliefs that Jesus was born during the Feast of Tabernacles which is around Sept-Oct. Exactly 6 months between that and Passover. Catholic believes in "Good Friday" which is in error. I believe it was during the mid-week of Passover. My belief is Jesus died on a Wednesday because I actually measure of time from 4 Gospel. Hard to do but it was Wednesday because of 3 nights and 3 days Christ was buried. I wrote an ebook about all this. You might like it. If you want to read, let me know in private. Thank you.

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