Thrasymachus blog post


Concerning Developments

by Thrasymachus,Oct/11/2020

Imprison the dissent and controversy over moral freedom:
now here, now there, and of course its always now:
whole number ratios and all holes in one:
algorithms for cult leadership and condemned transformations:
intense false verbalizations and fake news ad hominem attacks:
undercutting the impenetrable relationship between them:
like when a far away smile interrupts one's paperwork:
the private went to his death dressed in polyester and recycled boots:
a similar insult works well with the living:
thank you for your participation in National Law Week:
burning garbage has created open hot water cans:
despite their numbers something was worked out:
integral phonological integration again:
beer bottles piled up next to prolonged gluts and shortages:
a critical concerned power:
fewer services across the nation:
time flies by the last time we blew the world's mind:
the ingeniousness of conceit merges with abstract commerce:
cloaked and warm in my comfort blanket of exceptionalism:
we need more time than these fleeting few:
dead reefs assume the coral mosaic historical position:
formulations of ten magic ancient steps to recovery:
superhuman courage and purple hearts bleeding:
introduction of the time remaining element:
pharisees of parasites warn against killing the host organism:
all I saw was some dead fur wiggling with maggots:
it made a far more significant olfactory impression on me:
Miro and butterfly wings thrived in the alien slums:
load the ready-to-wear clothes on the truck carefully:
a beak, a wade, then the fish:
it is rewarding, but misapprehensions abound:
economic liberalism founded on the death bed of diplomacy:
two polarities of conformity in a land of couch culture:
the future always awaits to be revealed:
tailor made for the aquarium:
it is conflict or natural law unfolding:
considerable variations in ethnic subordination methodology:
new world marching orders:
let me get out of the chair first:
neutralizing the rebellion was always the central focus:
what's a few hundred thousand preventable virus deaths among friends:
marginal notes in the body of the text, the beef is in the margins:
they never admitted wrongdoing although they lost the case:
inter-group contact persisting throughout history with flare ups:
it can't be as easy as that can of poison says it is:
sharing the experiences of extermination and execution:
people document their love by pursuits in self satisfaction:
they do bear some affinity:
it has not ceased to grow:
the fingernails of the dead:
the pro-Western oligarchy precluding the human race:
we can deliver neither war nor peace:
then there was a giant bursting sound:
call of today to get and stay connected:
more than the sum of the meaning of its words:
a bit more practice and essential food for the larvae:
sort-of-a-dependent-species realizes progressive adaptation and exalts:
considerable variations of wanting to find out why:
ignore the final effect of evaluation and there isn't one at all:
the endangered bog turtle is seen floating in a gloating cloud of irony:
grazing on insects, swamp grass and indecency:
the accidental beginning of open repression slipped out:
armadillos and bats in Chinese food stores:
busy professionals push to the surface:
being-itself looks on in disgust:
the last ice left to melt.

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