Thrasymachus blog post


"God is dead..."

by Thrasymachus,Dec/08/2018

Nietzsche's most famous quote - it doesn't mean he thought there was an actual living God that expired and is deceased; it was a social statement reflecting the loss of power of the Church. Science no longer needing to take into account not conflicting with religion. The universal fiduciary shifting away from the theistic authority, as governments did the same. He called all modern theism, "the stench of the divine putrification." He had quite a way with words. Its hilarious to see the stench itself quoting the great thinker; the value of the irony easily outweighs the nausea of the rabble cheapening his greatness by repeating his words like a parrot might.

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    By Gab ,Dec/08/2018

    I dont usually make comments because of some reasons (only I know) but I wanna know things from your personal point of view... Nietzsche, Hegel, Aristotle, Plato, Socrates, Rousseau are just an examples of a well known Philosophers ...question: do u think that their works still has a "VALUE" in this "Millinial" world?... do you still see a connecting line from these philosophi's to people nowadays?..Are their works can still be applied in todays world of technology where people depend and believe on it instead of holding on to what had been taught about these works of Philosophers?...These philosophers are known for their Theism, Idealism, Nihilism and you think it play fair in todays generation where there are large amount of religion that keep on building and existing?...I have not known much of these Philosophers and their works but it once tackled in my class long time ago.... and lastly , my question you personally believe that GOD IS DEAD?...and when you think HIS alive? Is He really dead or alive?....Do you believe in God?...what about in PRAYERS?

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    By empathgirl ,Dec/08/2018

    interesting... we are programmed from birth (most of us) to believe in the all mighty God, and never to question it. so with that mind theres a part of me that believes in some kind of God but really? I think it was created to control the human population and keep us in line. For me I got mad at God for personal reasons and expanded my thinking out into the Universe. God is just a small part of it. who knows?? when I look up into the beautiful starry sky at night i think to myself how amazing it all really is so with that said, anything is possible, always believe in the magic of life.

  • April 11, 2019
    By Thrasymachus ,Dec/08/2018

    Your list of "well known" philosophers are known names, but they aren't read well anymore. Its their ideas, which require serious study and contemplation, not their names, which needs be known.

    Montaigne wrote, "It's rating our conjectures mighty highly to roast people for them." There's no question that the Christians stopped burning people at the stake because they lost the power to do so, not because they learned the error of their ways. Its this across the board loss of power that Nietzsche characterized as the death of God. He also noted that most people are closer kin to chimps than to Socrates, so I doubt he would be too surprised that many people remain in the mythological stage of conscious evolution.

    Fictional characters are neither dead nor alive.

    I have no beliefs. I think and I learn and I see no reason to believe in addition to the former two mentioned modalities. I think that people with beliefs interpret the raw data of Being through their belief structure and thereby reduce their odds of catching any insight into what this is.

  • April 11, 2019
    By Thrasymachus ,Jan/09/2019

    Fact: humans are primates. This is a factual taxonomical statement, not a value judgement. Opinion: if you really believe in eternal life, you are a stupid primate afraid to look at reality, and your use of language reflects the cultivation of stupidity in order to hide what scares you from yourself.

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