Thrasymachus blog post


Infinite Truth

by Thrasymachus,Apr/04/2019

If we define 'a truth' as any true sentence or proposition, there are infinitely many of them; in fact there are infinitely many truths within the confines of (the abstract language called) math alone. The possibility of uniquely ordered word combinations in the so-called natural languages would seem to indicate a similar infinitude, but the epistemology of such a claim is more dubious than it is with math. It might be so, there certainly is a fact of the matter, but getting to the bottom of the problem is complicated by all that potentially infinite content.

Capital T truth isn't hard to find if you're looking for it. The hardest part is to empty one's cup-full of beliefs, so that there's room in there to put something you might learn. Please, don't take my word for it, do an experiment: take a full cup of coffee and see how much more coffee you can put in the mug. Why is the Lao Tzu constantly suggesting we should unlearn everything? Mug space.

Everybody knows that a broken clock is right twice a day. It shouldn't be so damned to difficult to keep pace with former timepieces...

Should it?

  • April 11, 2019
    By Thrasymachus ,Apr/04/2019

    ...and lo, if thy Sun should make you all sleepy in its warm embrace, ye shall awaken sun-burnt, to be sure.

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