Thrasymachus blog post


No Collusion

by Thrasymachus,Mar/25/2019

It seems all a body would need to know is that an e-mail from the Russians claiming dirt on Hillary Clinton as part of their ongoing support of the Trump campaign was responded to by Jr. with, "If it's what you say it is, I love it!" This response of course led, unawares to The Donald, to the meeting in Trump Tower (and here is where we get to KNOW there was no possibility of collusion) where those great American patriots were so incorruptible that they guided the conversation to the heart warming topic of international adoptions, and anyone who would do that lives far beyond reproach. All those coincidences unmentioned here must be just that, coincidences, accidents of the cosmic dice. Geez! Trump can't control who is or isn't a Russian. For all he knew those were ordinary American citizens lurking behind every plant. Let the pardons bring justice to those poor people scapegoated and sacrificed for Hillary's bitterness over "...the greatest landslide victory..." of " far the greatest president anyone's ever seen except maybe Lincoln..." (But was Lincoln ever so humble? (I think not.))
Such a good day for the USA to finally put all that shit behind us!

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