Thrasymachus blog post


So glad its over.

by Thrasymachus,Jan/07/2019

The holidays are over; the days are getting longer. The hypocrisy is getting back to normal levels of nauseating. The Trump has shut down the dysfunctional government, as he lost his NAZI majority in the House - washed away in a very pink blue-wave. The human animals are so disappointing most of the time that when they aren't, the associated astonishment often outweighs whatever it was that didn't disappoint. There is nothing imbued with inherent timeless value; values are made by temporal creatures in time. They are temporary - values are, like a life or a headache. Fastidiously separating substances to use them or blend them or layer them or package them....that's what we do mostly, what is valued. The empty spaces are what we use, but what separates these spaces is what we occupy ourselves with, all the while never wondering why there is something rather nothing.

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