Thrasymachus blog post



by Thrasymachus,Nov/11/2020

Now suppose the term:
yet there's still no endearment:
existence of past irregularities:
no skewing can be produced:
whatever else is in the cards, this ain't it:
precisely what can be done:
some statements entail entailments:
drug addicts hang out with petty criminals:
it took from them their freedom to choose company with care:
most idiotic and lily white with blue eyes:
the secret is out:
photocratic containers and triplicate forms:
the need to re-enlarge areas of containment:
emasculating the people with fluoride and violent TV shows:
unpronounceable diphthongs:
few preppers are really prepared:
because I never had one:
ascribed to difficulty:
quill voiced female cry:
neither wronged, oppressed or even opposed:
earphone or loudspeaker:
claiming to be neutral parasites:
really poor and that's no fiction:
the sound patterns of English:
transparent discussions:
a shade too sharp, a shade too fast:
I said I never had one:
causally interlaced:
they deserved it:
words and morphemes:
democratic and legal institutions:
inflame the minds of the working class:
briskly juvenile:
disfiguring the truth:
filled with fear and rage:
his jail time increased:
I'll be aviator, you be passenger:
not in any single sense:
not really, not now:
voting for a potent weapon:
sequences that are possible but not authorized:
an ethnic change in the climate change:
expecting exponential population growth:
repair it before it happens:
before they run away:
mental and spiritual cultivation:
not so:
this ass-hat looks about your size:
enter stage right:
its hard for people to accept it:
twice as high:
thirdly, the denial at the grocery store:
a displaced social elite:
the general term:
a bunch of sharks swim circles around him:
the beatings revealed the fragility of the object:
Ninus, the mythical founder of Ninevah:
please locate the liquor first:
the syllable in question doesn't appear in the index:
I'll follow you:
intensity of odor:
I asked him:
creating, say, the tubes and roots:
an illegal consonant cluster:
sometimes a five follows, and sometimes a blue:
intolerable, extreme laziness:
syllables and syllabification:
this doesn't really follow:
in the earliest forms of generative phonology:
claims of bad luck:
oh monsters, ye strange lying monsters:
CVC onset-nodus-coda:
by means of a tree diagram:
every mother's son, six years back:
Zoot Suiters too:
the string of segments:
rationed down to two thirds expressions repressed:
its a common experience:
limit, prototype the past:
I [(wo{n'})t] stir the pot of word-stock:
distinguished and influential:
a better example is needed:
many things will happen next:
translating through auditory instruments made of meat:
they asked him nicely while waiving a warrant around:
you missed your cue:
loaded baked potatoes:
a thorn bush and a lantern:
a role for epentheisis:
no surprise backdoor deals:
doing serious time now:
I played my life in defense of yours:
well, it shall be so:
determination and equal loudness contours:
he saw a sound, he smelt a sight:

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